September 2014 Newsletter
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SBL Newsletter

Bible Odyssey
Bible Odyssey in the Classroom
How are you are using Bible Odyssey in the classroom? Timothy Beal of Case Western Reserve University will emphasize online instructional materials--Bible Odyssey and Oxford Biblical Studies--in his new high-tech classroom outfitted with multiple screens, erasable walls, gigabytes of bandwidth, and funky furniture. Please share with us your stories of classroom interactions with Bible Odyssey. What resources on the site have you found most useful? What resources would you like to see? How are you using it? Email your ideas and experiences to Moira Bucciarelli, Bible Odyssey managing editor at:

--Bible Odyssey Team

SBL Membership and Subscriptions

Login with your member number !*SBLID*! and check to see when your membership and subscriptions are due to expire.

Remember that as a member of SBL you always have access to the Journal of Biblical Literature and the Review of Biblical Literature. You only need to subscribe if you want the paper editions to be sent to you.

If you wish to receive the fourth issue of the Journal of Biblical Literature you need to subscribe by November 15, 2014. If you want to receive the annual Review of Biblical Literature you need to subscribe by November 1, 2014.

Now is a great time to update your member profile. Remember that if you fill out the member profile you are automatically entered in a drawing to win one of two i-Pads. The drawing will take place on January 2, 2015 so fill out or update your member profile now.

SBL Calendar

Events for Biblical and Religious Studies

Upcoming SBL Meetings

Annual Meeting
The National Endowment for the Humanities offers grants to scholars and others engaged in humanistic research and teaching. Twenty-six grant programs support individuals, teams, and institutions doing work for other scholars, students, or the general public. Fundable projects include research for monographs, scholarly editions, creating or revising a class, preserving or digitizing archival collections, professional development for teachers, museum exhibits and documentaries. The NEH has a long record of supporting important scholarship in religious studies, including a variety of disciplinary approaches and religious traditions.  A program officer will be available at this year's annual meetings to talk one-on-one about grant programs and possible applications. Visit the NEH booth (#914) in the exhibit hall or write Daniel Sack at for an appointment. More information on the NEH and grant programs is at

International Meeting
The call for papers for the 2015 International Meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina will open October 29, 2014. In the meantime, review the program units that will be issuing calls for papers.

Professional Support

Career Guidance
Patrick Alexander, director of the Pennsylvania State University Press and one of the contributing editors of The SBL Handbook of Style (first edition), who also teaches a writing and publishing workshop at SBL’s Annual Meeting, offers advice to newly minted scholars in a recent Chronicle of Higher Education article, “Your Dissertation is Done. Move On.”

Job Listings
Over half of the job openings that are advertised through SBL and AAR are posted September through November. Be sure to keep up with the listings at

More info on careers

Three New Titles from SBL Press

Nonnus of Nisibis, Commentary on the Gospel of Saint John
Robert W. Thomson
In this first volume in a new series on texts from the Islamic world, Thomson translates this ninth-century commentary defending the miaphysite theological position of the Armenian church against the chalcedonian position of the Greek Byzantine church. Nonnus’s exegesis of the gospel falls in the context of trends in Eastern Christian biblical exposition, primarily the Syrian tradition. Therefore, Thomson emphasizes the parallels in Syriac commentaries on the book of John, noting also earlier Greek writers whose works were influential in Syria. This book is essential reading for anyone interested in the Armenian church and church history.

Paper $64.95, ISBN 9781589839878
Hardcover $84.95, ISBN 9781589839885
514 pages • Writings from the Islamic World 1

The Old Greek of Isaiah: An Analysis of Its Pluses and Minuses
Mirjam van der Vorm-Croughs
Van der Vorm-Croughs focuses this translation study on the processes leading to pluses and minuses including linguistic and stylistic aspects (i.e., cases in which elements have been added or omitted for the sake of a proper use of the Greek language), literary aspects (additions and omissions meant to embellish the Greek text), translation technical aspects (e.g., the avoidance of redundancy), and contextual and intertextual exegesis and harmonization. This work also covers the relation between the Greek Isaiah and its possible Hebrew Vorlage to try to determine which pluses and minuses may have been the result of the translator’s use of a different Hebrew text.

Paper $75.95, ISBN 9781589839786
Hardcover $95.95, ISBN 9781589839793
592 pages • Septuagint and Cognate Studies 61

Memory and Identity in Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity: A Conversation with Barry Schwartz
Tom Thatcher, editor
In this collection scholars of biblical texts and rabbinics engage the work of Barry Schwartz, Professor Emeritus in the Department of Sociology at the University of Georgia. Schwartz provides an introductory essay on the study of collective memory. Articles that follow integrate his work into the study of early Jewish and Christian texts. The volume concludes with a response from Schwartz that continues this warm and fruitful dialogue between fields.

Paper $40.95, ISBN 9781589839526
Hardcover $55.95, ISBN 9781589839533
372 pages • Semeia Studies 78


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