Feedback? Ideas? As always both are welcome. Please contact Teresa Calpino, Newsletter Editor.
On-Campus Student Representatives (OSRs)
The Student Advisory Board (SAB) is actively recruiting new OSRs. The qualifications for this volunteer position include being a current SBL student member who is in residence at their institution. Other important qualifications are that you be self-motivated, creative, and interested in facilitating professional development and membership at your institution. OSRs customarily serve a two-year term with the possibility of renewal.
OSRs recruit student members, encourage student involvement in SBL activities, disseminate information and directives from SBL and SAB through appropriate campus channels, promote upcoming SBL events (Annual Meeting, Regional Meetings, and International Meeting), and communicate the ideas and concerns of student members to SBL and SAB.
If you are interested in serving in this capacity, or would like more information, please contact Erin Vearncombe.
About the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL)
The SBL was founded in 1880 and is the international academic membership organization for biblical scholars. People who teach, study, or are interested in academic study of the Bible and its related contexts and literatures are also welcome. The Society’s mission is to foster biblical scholarship and does not hold any denominational or confessional stance. See the website for membership information. |
Mentoring Opportunities for Graduate Students
Navigating the field of biblical studies can be difficult for even the most seasoned scholars, so it comes as no surprise that students of biblical studies who are newer to the field can have an especially difficult time trying to explore various avenues of study and find their niche. While many schools are well equipped to give students the resources they need to thrive in more "traditional" settings, students whose interests go beyond the traditional boundaries of biblical scholarship may find themselves at a loss when it comes to finding guidance through a maze of newer and less traditional approaches. Students can be left feeling as though ...
To Present or not to Present: Why Go the Distance?
Corinna Guerrero
There is debate among faculty about whether or not to encourage their doctoral students to present at annual and/or regional meetings. Some say that our attention should first and foremost always be the program. Others will say that it is important to fully understand what we are getting ourselves into by choosing this profession by presenting. I understand the validity of each perspective. However, I do not see these points as mutually exclusive. I have been told...
Professional Development Teresa Calpino
Seeking out opportunities for professional development and keeping up to date on the issues in your field are requirements for all graduate students. The current job market…need I say more? I am sure that many of you are already aware ...