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A bi-monthly newsletter for members of the Society of Biblical Literature |
December 13 , 2010
Paul J. Achtemeier Award
The call for papers is now open for the Paul J. Achtemeier Award for New Testament Scholarship. The primary goal of this award is to stimulate the finest and most penetrating work in New Testament studies. There is a $1,000 monetary award. Visit our website for a complete list of submission guidelines.
Submission dates are as follows:
• 10 January 2011 Announcement of Intent to submit
• 1 March 2011 Submit all materials
(make sure you receive a confirmation of receipt, if not, contact Sandra Stewart Kruger, immediately)
• 30 April 2011 Announcement of Award
Submit your CV and paper to
David Noel Freedman Award
The David Noel Freedman Award for Excellence and Creativity in Hebrew Bible Scholarship is open for submissions. The $1,000 award will be given to an SBL member who submits a paper in Hebrew Bible scholarship that has not been published or accepted for publication. The awarded paper will be delivered at an SBL annual national or international meeting with a panel discussion. Visit our website for a complete list of guidelines.
Submission dates are as follows:
• 10 January 2011 Announcement of Intent to submit
• 1 March 2011 Submit all materials
(make sure you receive a confirmation of receipt, if not, contact Sandra Stewart Kruger, immediately)
• 30 April 2011 Announcement of Award
Giving to SBL
These awards and our many programs are possible because of donations from our members and other individuals interested in fostering biblical scholarship. If you have made your donation this year, we sincerely thank you for your gifts and hope that you will encourage colleagues and friends to donate to the Society. If you have not made your 2010 contribution we encourage you to visit our website and do so today. Thank you!
The SBL 2010 Society Report
The Society Report has been posted.
Regional Meetings
Calls for papers for regional meetings are in their final stages; visit the SBL regions webpage to find more information on how you can participate in the meeting in your area.
International Meeting
Proposals are rolling in for the London meeting July 4-8, 2011. Be sure to submit your proposal by February 15, 2011! This meeting will feature sessions on biblical literacy and general education, the heralded Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, London scholars of Islam, Qur’anic studies, and biblical studies, leading voices in Old Testament ethics, and some intriguing discussions of the contemporary cultural afterlives of Paul and Pauline literature. Registration will open in February.
Annual Meeting
Program unit chairs—the deadline for your calls for papers is December 17. Please upload them directly in the Program Unit Management System. If you have any questions, contact Charlie Haws . Look for the calls for papers to open by January 15.
Personal Profile Winners
Every month, we randomly select two members from the pool of those who have filled out the Optional Profile for a free one-year membership. December 2010 winners are:
• Stephen J. Patterson
• Matt Backmon
As our privacy policy indicates, we will never divulge information from your profile to a third party. Thank you to all of you who have supplied this optional data. If you have not yet filled in the information (or you would like to update it), you may do so by logging into our website with your SBL Member number and going to the “my profile” tab, which will appear on the left hand side of the screen in the box where you logged in. While you are filling out the Optional Profile, please make sure all of your profile information is up to date!
Submit your events to Sharon Johnson.
Keep track of 2011 international celebrations of the 400th year anniversary of the King James Bible here
January 2011 |
1/4-1/6 |
SOTS Winter Meeting
The Society for Old Testament Study's Winter Meeting will be at Collingwood College, University of Durham
More information |
1/6- 1/8 |
BANEA 2011: Annual Conference
The 2011 Annual Conference will be held in the School of World Art Studies at the University of East Anglia. The main theme of the conference will be: Artistry, Artisanship and Divisions of Labour in the Ancient Near East.The Conference organizers welcome proposals for themed sessions, workshops and papers broadly related to the ideas of artistry, artisanship and divisions of labour in the Ancient Near East. Themed sessions that could lead to publication through the BANEA Publication Series are particularly welcome. As in previous years there will also be a session dedicated to recent fieldwork and a general session.
More information |
1/6-1/9 |
2011 AIA and APA Joint Annual Meeting
The Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) and The American Philological Association (APA) will meet in San Antonio, Texas.
More information at APA or at AIA |
1/6-1/9 |
Linguistic Society of America 85th Annual Meeting
Plenary Speakers:Barbara Johnstone, Carnegie Mellon University;Janet Pierrehumbert, Northwestern University;Ted Supalla, University of Rochester
For Meeting information see:
For Abstracts information see: |
February 2011 |
2/11-2/13 |
SBL Midwest Regional Meeting
at Olivet Nazarene University, Bourbonnais, Illinois
More information |
2/14- 2/15 |
Isaiah and Empire
A European Association of Biblical Studies colloquium will be held in Auckland, New Zealand. This colloquium (sponsored by Laidlaw-Carey Graduate School in Auckland, New Zealand) will explore cultural and theological implications of aspects of the book of Isaiah in the context of empire
More information |
March 2011 |
3/4- 3/6 |
SBL Southwestern Regional Meeting
Marriott Hotel DFW North, Dallas, Texas
More information |
3/4- 3/6 |
SBL Southeastern Regional Meeting
The Gault House, Louisville, Kentucky
More information |
3/15 |
Deadline to the the new summer program for the study of Jewish-Christian encounters at Tel Aviv University
The program is a 6- week English language program, designed for students (in the process of an advanced degree such as M.A., M.Div., M.A.R, Ph.D., etc.) in ancient Judaism and early Christianity. The program will provide students with basic scholarly skills in the Hebrew language and an introduction to the foundational rabbinic texts and to their manner of interacting with early Christian texts. It will expose them to current scholarship and to leading Israeli scholars in these fields, as well as to various archeological sites.
More information |
3/17- 3/18 |
SBL Mid Atlantic Regional Meeting
Hyatt Regency, New Brunswick, New Jersey.
More information |
3/18- 3/19 |
SBL Rocky Mountains-Great Plains Regional Meeting
Illiff School of Theology, Denver, Colorado
More information |
3/20- 3/21 |
SBL Central States Regional Meeting
St. Louis Marriott West, St. Louis, Missouri
More information |
3/24- 3/25 |
God’s Word in English: The King James Version as Translation
To commemorate the 400th anniversary of the publication of the King James Bible, SIG VERBI, an international research group of CETRA under the auspices of the faculties of Theology and Arts of the K.U.Leuven and the Department of Translation Studies of the Lessius University College (Antwerp), is holding a conference. The conference fits into the events to commemorate the Protestant and Catholic Reformations, organized by Refo500, of which the K.U.Leuven is a project partner. The aim of the conference is to present research on this remarkable version of the Bible primarily from the perspective of translation, including the effects this piece of translation have exercised on various areas of religious and popular culture, and especially on the theory and practice of translation.
Deadline for abstracts: 30 November 2010 (Please submit abstracts to Dr. Gergely Juhász)
More information |
3/27-3/28 |
SBL Pacific Coast Regional Meeting, Whittier College,Whittier, California
More Information |
3/31- 4/1 |
SBL Eastern Great Lakes Regional Meeting
Quality Inn & Suites, Richfield, Ohio
More information |
April 2011 |
4/1- 4/2 |
SBL Upper Midwest Regional Meeting
Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota
More information |
4/6-4/8 |
The City in the Hebrew Bible
The City in the Hebrew Bible Conference will be hosted by the Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge.
More information |
4/11 |
Beyond Scare Quotes: Rethinking Words and Things in the Study of Ancient "Judaism" and "Christianity"
A Regional Graduate Student Conference, to be held at the University of Pennsylvania, in conjunction with the 48th Philadelphia Seminar on Christian Origins
More information |
4/29 |
SBL New England Regional Meeting
Andover-Newton Theological School, Newton, Massachussetts
More information |
May 2011 |
5/1 |
Deadline to the the new 1 year MA program in Jewish Studies at Tel Aviv University
The Department of Hebrew Culture Studies at Tel-Aviv University invites applications for its new one-year Masters program in Jewish Studies for international students. This is the only Jewish Studies Masters program in Israel that is conducted entirely in English.
The program offers a series of comprehensive encounters with the classical texts of Jewish cultures from biblical to modern times. Its intellectual home in the department of Hebrew Culture Studies at Tel Aviv University, the single largest integrative Jewish Studies department in the world today, enables us to cover a wide range of periods, methodologies, and scholarly interests, while maintaining the highest standards of academic excellence.
More information |
5/5-5/8 |
The Annual Meeting of the Association of Ancient Historians (AAH) will be held at and hosted by Mercyhurst College, Erie PA
More Information |
5/13- 5/15 |
SBL Pacific Northwest Regional Meeting
Eastern Washington University- Spokane Campus, Spokane, Washington
More information |
5/21- 6/3 |
Syria for Scholars
Join colleagues in Biblical Studies on a two-week tour of Syria. Rich in sites of importance for the study of the Hebrew Bible and early Christianity, highlights include: Damascus, an excursion to Baalbek in Lebanon, Ras Shamra (Ugarit), Crac des Chevaliers (the world’s best preserved Crusader castle), Apamea, Tel Mardikh (Ebla), Aleppo, Mari, Dura Europas, and Palmyra.
For a detailed itinerary and pricing information contact Steve McKenzie or visit (Academy International Travel). Login information: Group ID: Syria, Password: travel. You can register online to participate in the tour.
5/29- 5/31 |
The CSBS/SCÉB 2011 Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the Canadian Society of Biblical Studies/La société canadienne des études bibliques will be held at University of New Brunswick and St. Thomas University, Fredericton, New Brunswick.
More information |
June 2011 |
6/8- 6/12 |
AAUP Annual Conference on the State of Higher Education
The American Association of University Professors will meet at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C.
More information |
6/19- 7/29 |
The Advanced Summer program for the Study of Jewish-Christian Encounters in the First Centuries CE,
is a 6 week English-language program, designed for advanced students (M.A., M.Div., M.A.R, Ph.D., etc.) in ancient Judaism and early Christianity from the United States and Europe. The program will provide English-speaking students with basic scholarly skills in the Hebrew language and in rabbinic literature and culture. It will expose them to current scholarship and to leading Israeli scholars in these fields, as well as to various archeological sites.
The studies will take place at the Tel Aviv University campus, located in the heart of Tel Aviv. Accommodations are available at the recently renovated on-campus housing.
Application deadline: March 15th, 2011
More Information |
6/21- 6/24 |
Melanesian Association of Theological Schools (MATS) Inaugural Conference
Offers of papers are now invited. Abstracts of 250 words should be sent by post, fax, or email (as Word attachments) to: Ms. Sandra Iga, Secretary - School of Theology, Pacific Adventist University, Private Mail Bag, Boroko NCD, Papua New Guinea. Tel: (675) 328 0324/328 0342 Fax: (675) 328 1257 Email:
Papers will be accepted in four broad areas of theological enquiry – OLD TESTAMENT, NEW TESTAMENT, THEOLOGY (SYSTEMATIC AND HISTORICAL), and APPLIED THEOLOGY (MINISTRY, ETHICS, MISSIOLOGY) – and presenters will be encouraged to submit expanded versions of their papers for publication in the Melanesian Journal of Theology.
It is envisaged that the MATS conference will become an annual gathering of educators and postgraduate students from the theological schools of Melanesia and the wider South Pacific. A meeting to reconstitute the association will be held on the last day of MATS 2011. From 2012 the conference will be hosted by other theological schools in Papua New Guinea and the South Pacific islands.
For details and further information please contact Scott Charlesworth |
6/26- 6/29 |
Sixth North American Syriac Symposium
Duke University, Durham, North Carolina
More information |
July 2011 |
7/3-7/8 |
SBL International Meeting, London, England |
7/7-7/9 |
The Bible in the Seventeenth Century: The Authorised Version Quatercentenary (1611-2011)
Centre for Renaissance and Early Modern Studies: University of York
Speakers Include: Sharon Achinstein, Hugh Adlington, David Appleby, Gordon Campbell, Elizabeth Clark, Karen Edwards, Lori Anne Ferrell, Christopher Haigh, Paul Hammond, Hannibal Hamlin, Tom Healy, Mark Knights, Peter Lake, Barbara Lewalski, Erica Longfellow, Judth Maltby, Scott Mandelbrote, Peter Marshall, Peter McCullough, Nick McDowell, David Norton, Roger Pooley, Joad Raymond, Anne Prescott, Jane Shaw, Jonathan Sheehan, Alison Shell, Yvonne Sherwood, Deborah Shuger, Nigel Smith, Peter Stallybrass, Alex Walsham, Helen Wilcox, Susan Wiseman, Blair Worden, Stephen Zwicker More information |
7/18-7/21 |
Summer SOTS Meeting
The Society for Old Testament Study (SOTS) will meet at St Hilda's College, University of Oxford. The meeting includes a joint day with the British Association for Jewish Studies (BAJS)
More information |
7/26-7/28 |
Colloquium Biblicum Lovaniense LX International Biblical Conference
Topic: The Apocryphal Gospels within the Context of Early Christian Theology, Venue: KU Leuven, Faculty of Theology
Proposals for offered papers should be submitted to the president before April 1, 2011
President: Prof. Dr. Jens Schroeter (HU Berlin): ; Secretary CBL: Prof. Dr. Joseph Verheyden (KU Leuven): For more information please contact the secretary or check the CBL conference webpage at |
August 2011 |
8/2- 8/6 |
The 66th General Meeting of Society for New Testament Studies (SNTS) will take place at Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York.
More information |
September 2011 |
9/1- 9/3 |
British New Testament Society
University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG1 4FQ, United Kingdom
More information |
October 2011 |
November 2011 |
11/16- 11/19 |
ASOR Annual Meeting
The American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR) will hold their Annual Meeting at the Westin St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco, CA
More information |
11/18- 11/22 |
SBL Annual Meeting,
The SBL Annual Meeting will be held in San Francisco, California.
More information |
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